GadgeTell Calls Tablet Stand a Joy to Use

May 31, 2012

GadgeTell calls Octa’s TabletTail tablet stand “a joy to use.” They appreciate the multi-functionality of the tablet accessory, which can be used as a tablet stand, tablet grip, or tablet handle. Another benefit GadgeTell talks about is how light weight the TabletTail is, making it easy to carry with you, and the fact that it fits easily in the hand.

The TabletTail tablet stand comes in two pieces: the Vacuum Dock + WhaleTail. The Vacuum Dock suctions to the back of essentially any tablet or e-reader, and the WhaleTail attachment (which clicks into the Vacuum Dock) can be adjusted to make any height tablet stand. The WhaleTail can also be bent over the hand to create a tablet handle that’s fit perfectly to your hand.

GadgeTell Review: Octa, Vacuum Dock + WhaleTail, a flexible handle and stand for tablets

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